Image: sweet bible Eze 02 02

For the rest of his life Ezekiel became a prophet telling the rebellious Jews what God had told him to say. He had further visions and warned the Jews of God’s judgment on them for their disobedience. - "Ezekiel's calling and first vision" images set (Ezekiel 1:1 - Ezekiel 3:27): image (21) - Ezekiel, Bible illustrations by James Padgett (1931-2009), published by Sweet Media.

استمر حزقيال بقية حياته في تحذير اليهود المتمردين على الله - مجموعة "دعوة حزقيال ورؤياه الأولى" (حزقيال 1: 1 - حزقيال 3: 27) - صورة (21) - صور سفر حزقيال، رسم جيمز بادجيت (1931-2009)، إصدار شركة سويت ميديا.

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