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Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible - New Testament

An exposition with practical observations of the Second Epistle General of St. John


Second John Exposition: Index | Introduction to the book of Second John | Second John 1

Second John full text: Second John 1

Here we find a canonical epistle inscribed, principally, not only to a single person, but to one also of the softer sex. And why not to one of that sex? In gospel redemption, privilege, and dignity, there is neither male nor female; they are both one in Christ Jesus. Our Lord himself neglected his own repast, to commune with the woman of Samaria, in order to show her the fountain of life; and, when almost expiring upon the cross, he would with his dying lips bequeath his blessed mother to the care of his beloved disciple, and thereby instruct him to respect female disciples for the future. It was to one of the same sex that our Lord chose to appear first after his return from the grave, and to send by her the news of his resurrection to this as well as to the other apostles; and we find afterwards a zealous Priscilla so well acquitting herself in her Christian race, and particularly in some hazardous service towards the apostle Paul, that she is not only often mentioned before her husband, but to her as well as to him, not only the apostle himself, but also all the Gentile churches, were ready to return their thankful acknowledgments. No wonder then that a heroine in the Christian religion, honoured by divine providence, and distinguished by divine grace, should be dignified also by an apostolical epistle. Image: John’s Second Epistle: John writes his second epistle, as an image of the elect lady and her children and the Latin VERITAS (truth) appear in the sky - from the book: The Holy Apostles Story and Epistles (Der Heyligen Apostel Geschichte und Episteln), by Johann Christoph Weigel, 1695. صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: رسالة يوحنا الرسول الثانية، ويظهر القديس يوحنا الإنجيلي وهو يكتب الرسالة، وفي الخلفية السيدة المختارة كيرية مع أولادها، وكلمة الحق في السماء باللاتينية (فيريتاس) - من كتاب: قصة الآباء الرسل والرسائل، يوهان كريستوف فيجيل، 1965 م. Image: John’s Second Epistle: John writes his second epistle, as an image of the elect lady and her children and the Latin VERITAS (truth) appear in the sky - from the book: The Holy Apostles Story and Epistles (Der Heyligen Apostel Geschichte und Episteln), by Johann Christoph Weigel, 1695.

صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: رسالة يوحنا الرسول الثانية، ويظهر القديس يوحنا الإنجيلي وهو يكتب الرسالة، وفي الخلفية السيدة المختارة كيرية مع أولادها، وكلمة الحق في السماء باللاتينية (فيريتاس) - من كتاب: قصة الآباء الرسل والرسائل، يوهان كريستوف فيجيل، 1965 م.                     Divider of Saint TaklaHaymanot's website فاصل - موقع الأنبا تكلاهيمانوت

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